In accordance with the West Virginia state addressing mandate, under the WV State Code and the 2001 Senate Bill 460 and 2007 House Bill 2525, Cabell County 911 joined with the other 54 counties by establishing a "city style" address for every structure in our county. The restructuring of addresses has many advantages. It's primary purpose is to enhance the safety of citizens by providing first responders with accurate, easy to locate addresses that make sense and reduce response times during an emergency. Having this plan in place carries an added benefit of allowing for further growth in Cabell County, while maintaining the integrity of a detailed and accurate addressing plan. Another positive side effect is that residences will be easily found by delivery services and businesses will have a unique address with a numeric that makes sense and are no duplicated. Cabell County has duplicate road names, numeric addresses out of chronological order, roads without names and structures or residences without a physical address. When completed, this addressing plan will remedy those issues and provide for immediate distance information, reducing response time and/or response mistakes because of confusion. The plan allows for one address point for every 5.28 feet, with even addresses on the right side and odd address on the left side of the road. First responders will know that an address of 1000 will be exactly one mile out a specific road and on the right side, which will aid in the rapid location of a caller or emergent incident.There will be multiple notifications when the plan is being implemented in a new zip code.
Keep watching the news, our website, social media and your own mailbox for updates on the plan. If you live in a zip code being affected and your address is changing, you will receive a letter of notification to confirm your new address. In most cases, this will mean a change in your numerical address (house number). In some cases, your new address will have a new or different road name, as well as a new numerical address. Below are an up-to-date list of road name changes, by zip code. There is a link provided for each new road name that will take you to the start of the new road name on Google Maps. With each address change, we will notify the Cabell County Assessor's Office, US Postal Service, as well as your Post Master, AEP, Mountaineer Gas, WV American Water, FedEx and UPS. You do not fill out a postal service change of address of address card. The post office will deliver to both your new and old addresses for ONE YEAR. You are responsible for notifying all of your contacts and correspondents, the DMV, voter's registration, bank accounts, insurance policies, all other utilities and phone providers. After one year, mail that has not been changed to your new address may be returned to the sender for address corrections. Please contact your local telephone company and/or mobile carrier to update your new address, ensuring this address will be correctly displayed in the 911 system, should you ever have to call 911 for an emergency.For an up-to-date list of road name changes, either already in effect or anticipated, please click here. They are organized by zip codes and links to Google Maps showing the start of the new road are available.If you have any problems or questions about the plan or any changes to your road name or address, please don't hesitate to contact us. We can be reached at 304-526-6552 or If you reach a voicemail, please leave your name and number so that we can return your call as soon as possible. For additional information regarding the state mandate, visit West Virginia Emergency Management Statewide Addressing & Mapping section.