"Communications 1"

Cabell County 9-1-1 has a tool to help manage emergencies more efficiently. The Mobile Communications Vehicle, Communications 1, helps us to dispatch first responders and receive 911 calls from any location. "It’s going to keep the communications intact even in the case of a disaster or if we have to actually leave the building or the building going down for some reason. It gets our communications up immediately and obviously that’s the core to getting the response,” said Mike Davis, Cabell County 911 Director.
Communications 1 is used in cases of natural disasters or in instances where our primary 911 Center is compromised, requiring us to take communications to a remote location. Communications 1 also serves as a very valuable tool for our Incident Dispatch Team (IDT), allowing them to take everything inside the 9-1-1 Center out into the field to the first responders at the front line of an incident, relieving the workload from our center to allow them to focus on other emergencies.
The mobile communications center cost $475,000, purchased and equipped completely through a COPS Grant in 2011.